? Enter data separated by comma, semicolon, space, tab or newlines
Repeated values: 4x3 becomes 3 3 3 3
Number of Independent Samples:
Variable Name: , units:
QQ Plot:
95% Bands Worm Plot | GOF Bins:
? If your data is discrete (integers) the histogram will probably look better if you select "Discrete Bars" - however if the range of your data is too large you will end up with spikes and gaps. In this case it would be better to not use Discrete Bars. You can use one of the rules of thumb (Square root n, Sturges', etc.) to automatically choose the number of bins, or you can specify from 4 to 20 bins.
Discrete Bars (only for integer data)
Overlay normal curve
Number of bins:

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Discrete Bars (only for integer data)
Number of bins:

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? Neat will attempt to pack dots neatly. By row will stack dots.

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? The easiest way to make the stem and leaf plot is to specify the target number of stems and let the plot be auto-formatted. The stem and leaf plot is ideal for datasets of size less than 100 or so.
Auto Format
Target # of Stems:
Stem size:
Split stems:

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Kernel Function:
Bandwidth: Auto
Overlap: Opaque:

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Confidence Intervals

Confidence Level
? Enter the confidence level above (a decimal smaller than 1.0) and a confidence interval calculated using the t distribution will be constructed.
The confidence interval should be interpreted 'We are X% confident that the interval accurately captures the population mean.'.
? Enter the confidence level above (a decimal smaller than 1.0) and a confidence interval calculated using the chi squared distribution will be constructed.
The confidence interval should be interpreted 'We are X% confident that the interval accurately captures the population variance.'.
? Enter the confidence level above (a decimal smaller than 1.0)
  • The approximate (Wald) confidence interval uses the normal distribution to approximate the sampling distribution of p̂. This should not be used if the sample size is small enough that there are fewer than 10 successes or failures.
  • The Exact (Clopper-Pearson) interval uses a binomial distribution for the sampling distribution of p̂. It may be wider than it needs to be though.
  • The Wilson Score Interval is an improvement over the Wald approximation and performs well even for small sample sizes and extreme proportions.
  • The Agresti-Coull interval is cute approximation too the binomial interval; For a 95% confidence interval it uses the "add 2 success and 2 failures" rule of thumb.
Consider a success: X

Hypothesis Testing

Significance Level (α)
? The t test uses the t distribution to model the sampling distribution of the sample mean. \(t=\dfrac{\overline{x}-\mu_0}{s/\sqrt{n}}\).
H0: μ μAB =
H1: μ μAB 0
H0: μA =···= μC
H1: At least one μ differs
Post Hoc Test:
Show all p-values
Pool Variances:
? Two tests are done- one using the Wald approximation (normal approximation) to the sampling distribution of the sample proportion.
The Exact test uses the binomial distribution to calculate the p-value.
Consider a success: X
H0: π =
H1: π .5
H0: πAB =
H1: πAB 0
H0: πA=···=πC
H1: At least one π differs
? (notes to come)
H0: σ2 =
H1: σ2 1
H0: σA =···= σC
H1: At least one σ differs
? (notes to come)
H0: θ =
H1: θ 0
H0: Population medians are the same
H1: Population medians differ
H0: All population medians are equal
H1: At least one median differs
? (notes to come)
H0: Population distributions are the same
H1: Population distributions differ