? Enter paired data separated by comma, semicolon, space or tab.
Each pair should be placed on a new line.
Calculate Differences as:
QQ Plot:
95% Bands Worm Plot | GOF Bins:


? If your data is discrete (integers) the histogram will probably look better if you select "Discrete Bars" - however if the range of your data is too large you will end up with spikes and gaps. In this case it would be better to not use Discrete Bars. You can use one of the rules of thumb (Square root n, Sturges', etc.) to automatically choose the number of bins, or you can specify from 4 to 20 bins.
Discrete Bars (only for integer data)
Overlay normal curve
Number of bins:

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Kernel Method: Resolution:

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Confidence Intervals

Confidence Level

Hypothesis Testing

Significance Level (α)
H0: μX − μY D =
H1: μX − μYD 0
H0: ρ =
H1: ρ 0
? (notes to come)
H0: θd =
H1: θd 0
Response Variable:
Prediction: X=